Spotlight on Systems Thinking in the Classroom: Washington State Teachers


Thousands of elementary, middle and high school students across the state of Washington purposefully discuss systems and use Systems Thinking Skills to model and explain phenomena relevant to topics their class is exploring. The students know that the skills they are practicing are the same skills that STEM professionals use to do their work every day.


Over 600 teachers participated in a 4 hour online workshop led by ISB Education where they explored ideas about systems, how students might model systems, and how scientists and other STEM professionals use systems thinking skills. The teachers were introduced to a suite of tools designed to support students across multiple grade levels to learn more about systems. Teachers spent additional time sharing their implementation stories after working with students in their classrooms.


STEM professionals shared their professional experiences with ISB Education to be included in a set of profiles that allow students and teachers to explore career connections and learn more about systems thinking in the professional world..


A partnership with Boeing provided funding to develop the resources for this work. A partnership with WA State OSPI’s ClimeTime program funded the facilitation of this workshop series. An ongoing partnership with PSESD 121 leverages efforts to communicate, recruit and support districts in the greater Puget Sound region.


ISB applies their renowned systems approach to science research for solving important issues, to science education. ISB Education is a catalyst, connecting its partnerships with OSPI, ESDs, school districts, and a strong teacher network to take a systems approach to K12 science/STEM education. The education team designs and facilitates professional learning experiences that support educators to implement research-based practices.